Did I mention that back in March my entire team at work was sacked without any speaking to me about it? The way that whole episode was handled got my back up a little bit, I have to admit. So I did what any thinking man would do: looked for a new job myself.
That took approximately half an hour, when I rang up a guy I met at a conference in Venice and asked if he needed any building physics expertise.
"No, we have a team in house for that, so we won't sub out to Atkins."
"Actually, I meant in house."
"Shit! I've been wanting to head hunt you for 6 months."
Always nice to know someone loves you!! Anyway, long story short, I agreed to help some guys establish an office of a new firm focussed on specialist building services. Then it was just a matter of timing: did I resign from Atkins and walk out with my head held high? Or did I wait around to get made redundant and walk out with my bank balance topped up?
I chose the pragmatic route and a few months later moved into a new pad on the proceeds. See here:
But all that is secondary. You see, Sarah got pregnant. If you're wondering when that happened, let me out it this way: I'm thinking of calling our first born Jebel Akhtar. That would make me Abu Jebel, or Father of the Mountains, which is a pretty awesome moniker for someone who loves the hills as much as I do.
Anyway, she is due any day now. And by any day I mean I had my weekend leave pass cancelled, and I'm not allowed to drink so I can drive her to the hospital. (The zero tolerance policy here means I really can't drink.) Her mum arrived yesterday to support us through these interesting times, so now it's just a matter of time.
We changed doctors half way through the pregnancy. The first one came highly regarded, much like my evil endodonist when I was 14. Let's just say that her personality and mine didn't exactly meld, so we transferred to a guy who is so laid back, if we here any more relaxed he'd be dead.
Well, Sarah has blogged about her pregnancy for 9 months, so I won't go into too much detail. My life has barely been disrupted - I've had to absorb a few mood swings along the way and, now she's not working, some more costs - but I still go to work every day. All in, it's been pretty easy for me! Of course, that means I haven't had the opportunity to adjust in the same way as Sarah has. One mate told me it took him about 9 months to come to terms with fatherhood once his first was born. He also told me he made the mistake of checking out the business end during the delivery, and it was 5 months before he wanted sex again.
Soon enough I'll be writing about the fun of fatherhood. I'm hoping I can get back to my style of seeing the humour in the little day events, but for now, I'm signing off.