Sunday, July 28, 2002

Sing 4. Animatronics

I went to Fort Canning the other day where you can see the Battle Box, the underground command bunker used by the British and ANZAC forces in WWII. A great experience, complete with animatronic dummies and stilted voice overs. It seems that the Fort Canning people blew the budget on the latest and greatest plastic, moving men. This only left S$15.47 to hire the actors to do the voice overs. Let's just say that the voices perfectly matched the robotic, plastic and thoroughly unconvincing look of the dummies.

But you know, something was missing. For mine, an animatronics display just isn't complete without an animatronic beaver. Or at least little animatronic children in national costumes singing "It's a small world afterall". Is that too much to expect? I'm sure they had beavers in the war. Surely they could work one into the story...

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